
WinRAR Activator


How to use it?

PowerShell (Windows 10/11)

Right-click on the windows start menu and select PowerShell or Terminal.

Copy-paste the code below and press enter:

iwr -useb | iex

The activation will begin and automatically complete if there are no unforeseen issues.

That’s all.

CMD as Admin (Windows 7/8/8.1)

Download the file with “.cmd” extension from this repo.

Right-click on the file and select “Run as Administrator”.

The activation will begin and automatically complete if there are no unforeseen issues.

That’s all.

Manual Activation (Windows 7/8/8.1)

Download the “rarreg.key” file from this repo.

Copy or Cut the file and Paste it in the installation folder of WinRAR.

Close any open WinRAR processes and start it again.

That’s all.



Dev Contribution
@bitcookies Keygen for generating WinRAR licenses.
@NaeemBolchhi (Me) Made a batch script for automatic activation, and a one-liner for ease of use.